For some years now we have been hearing about it, but few know what it is: the symbolic rite, this unknown (but can you eat? Does it exist? What is it for?)
In reality it is a type of ceremony that is being used more and more: but why do so many couples choose it? What are the benefits?
First of all, let’s explain a bit what it is: the symbolic rite is a type of non-civil and non-religious ritual, which has no legal value. There will be neither a priest nor an envoy from the municipality to celebrate it, there will be no registers to sign or parts to recite from memory. In short, no rules to follow, but at the same time no effective value. Why do it then if in effect it remains a “fake” marriage? Because the positives are so many!
You can do it wherever you want

Oh yes, a big, big plus of this ceremony is that you can choose where to do it.
And it is not a trivial matter: those spouses who have decided to have a civil ceremony but not within the municipality, which, let’s face it, often are not aesthetically beautiful know very well. They had to look for a location that they liked but in which at the same time they could celebrate a real ritual, and it’s not always that easy. Many villas simply cannot do it, and then either they opt to change location or to get married in common… or for a symbolic ceremony!
Why what if you want to get married in your own backyard? Or on an isolated beach, in the middle of nowhere in the mountains, in the woods? Normally it would be difficult, but with this ceremony it becomes absolutely feasible, because no one will have to move an official for you, but you will decide everything. So you have found the perfect location but alas no municipal messenger is going to get there? No problem.
So who will celebrate the ceremony? A friend, a relative, a work colleague, a former teacher of yours… the watchword is freedom! No constraints, you can choose the right person in your opinion to celebrate the rite. So not a stranger with whom you have no relationship, but one of your guests who will then stop and celebrate with you. Beautiful isn’t it?
You can do it when you want

Let’s go back to the classic civil marriage. You have chosen a beautiful villa on the Riviera del Brenta, luckily for you it is possible to have civil ceremonies on site, perfect! Call the municipality, ask for an official for your date, which falls on a Sunday in June. But no, on Sundays the municipality does not send anyone for any wedding, if you want they can do Saturday. But on Saturday the location is busy and also on Friday.
It is a story that I have heard several times unfortunately, with couples who do not know how and what to do to resolve the situation. Because in fact things go exactly like this and you have to adapt to the schedules of the municipality (or of the church in the case of a religious rite).
So the symbolic rite becomes a valid alternative even in these cases, when compromises become unsustainable and you risk not being able to have the wedding you want.
Fully customizable
The most important side of the symbolic ritual in my opinion is this: you can do whatever you want.
I have seen weddings celebrated by friends, by former university professors, by special relatives, I have seen guests cry out loud, newlyweds justify themselves with “it’s allergy” to justify the runny nose, the noise of packages of handkerchiefs opened throughout the celebration. I have witnessed entertaining readings from friends and other moving readings from brothers and sisters. I discovered beautiful and different rituals, traditional and otherwise, made with sand, with strings, with the faiths themselves, with the elements of the earth.
I have seen beautiful promises from the spouses, exciting, ironic, unique.
It can last ten minutes if you prefer, as well as an hour, you can choose to let everyone participate or not… it depends on you and only you. There are no scripts to play or schedules to follow. The symbolic rite also leaves you this freedom.