The wedding photographer strongly suggests that you also consider Fridays for your wedding, let’s see why!
“There are not only Saturdays to get married” said the wedding photographer “but also weekdays”. So mistreated or not considered, they are a valid alternative, and now I’ll explain why.
The myth of Saturday

In proportion it is easy to understand that out of a hundred requests, at least 80% are for Saturdays in May, June and September. Then they arrive in second position on Saturdays in July and October together with a few Sundays and Fridays scattered throughout the summer, and lastly the month of August (which is making a comeback in the last years of uncertain weather) together with a few weekends in March and April.
Actually it’s easy: Saturday is the day of the party, the day when everyone is free and also has Sunday to recover. Perfect isn’t it?
No. That is, on paper, yes, but then in practice we have to consider several things, the first of which is overcrowding. Because, like you, many other couples are opting for a Saturday in the summer, and many will have already confirmed it (if you ask any wedding photographer, she will confirm that surely someone before you has thought about getting married on the same date or on the same date. location). So, especially if you are not very early, you will surely have a hard time finding all the suppliers you want free, and you will have to compromise that, on the wedding day, are not exactly the most desirable thing in the world.
So what to do?
From experience, even Sundays can be problematic: those who get married in church will most likely have to clash with the parish priest who will not want to combine Holy Mass with the celebration of marriage, and will propose to move the ceremony to the afternoon. And the next day you work, right? For those who choose the civil ceremony, they will almost certainly not be able to do so because the municipality will not send anyone to celebrate it. So the almost obligatory choice is a symbolic ritual (article coming soon). Alternatives?
Friday. _ Always forgotten, like every weekday, in recent years it is experiencing a decisive leap forward. But the question you are asking a wedding photographer is: why choose a Friday?
Some couple faithful to the traditions still follow the Venetian saying ” Neither of Venus nor of Mars, do not get married, do not leave “, or on Fridays and Tuesdays you do not get married and do not leave, but this is nothing more than a popular rumor which in my opinion leaves some time it finds, just think that in the south every day is good for weddings!
The main reason for choosing Saturday is to avoid guests having to ask for holidays at work. From personal and work experience I can tell you, however, that often having to extend the weekend by taking a day or a few hours off is not a great suffering, on the contrary, usually everyone is happy to have an excuse to do it!
Among other things, if you consider getting married in the warm months, you will probably opt for an afternoon wedding in order to avoid midday temperatures and a ceremony often at that time, as happens in weddings in the morning. Consequently, the hours of leave to be taken will be very few, nothing not feasible knowing it months in advance! If, on the other hand, your guests come from afar they will have already considered taking some days off for you, so no problem!
Why on Friday

In addition to the reasons described above, it is likely that by getting married on Friday you can also be able to save money. In fact, several caterers and villas lower the price for those who choose a midweek day and, knowing how much the rents are, often the savings may not be exactly a small thing. A couple of mine years ago decided to get married on a Friday because the location of the reception applied a discount of € 900 plus VAT on Friday. The reason? As mentioned above, there are a lot of couples who want to get married on Saturdays, so if in the end you won’t be the one to confirm it, someone else will certainly do it. Making discounts on Saturdays is not convenient for anyone.
Fridays, on the other hand, are often not filled up, so in addition to having discounts you can easily decide the right location for your wedding. And tranquility in my opinion is a very big plus on Friday: no rush, no competition, the possibility of doing the ritual you want but also of having fewer people around, less risk of traffic to move and therefore to arrive late. While you know, the world moves on weekends to go to the beach, to the mountains, to lunch out.